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Colorful word cloud: "Data" and "big" stand out amidst a mix of other words.
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February 1, 2020

Is the use of jargon actually standing in the way of progress?

Our world is littered with them. Call them “buzzwords,” call it “jargon,” call it “government speak.” Whatever you call them, it’s clear that people are using words and expressions they don’t fully understand, can’t reliably define, and, what’s worse, won’t even recognize when they actually see them executed properly.
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A paper torn to reveal the sentence "The Transparency Illusion."
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September 16, 2019

The Transparency Illusion

The demand for government transparency is more fervent than ever. While, in the past, inquiring about the use of tax dollars required time, filling out forms or even a trip to City Hall, today the public expects almost instant gratification to their questions — or not even have to ask questions because they want to find it on their own with internet searches, even from their mobile device. More often than not, they are disappointed with the results they find.
Fiscal Health
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Green sign with arrow pointing to Hell, Michigan.
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September 3, 2019

A look at the curiosity of incorporated and unincorporated towns

There’s no shortage of jokes made about Hell. Hell, Michigan, that is. The state’s official tourism website, Pure Michigan, even has a page dedicated to things to do in Hell. Most recently, Hell was in the news when a young YouTube star “bought” the town for what local officials said was a 72-hour promotion and temporarily re-named it Gay Hell, Michigan.
Fiscal Health
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A person is using chalk to draw tally marks on a blackboard.
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August 27, 2019

As Michigan’s K-12 enrollment declines, count day grows in importance; first count day of the school year is Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The term, “count day” which is Wednesday October 2, 2019, is a familiar one to both Michigan educators and the parents who want their child counted, according to Buzz Brown, co-founder and Vice President of Munetrix, a public sector solutions provider offering data management, analytics and reporting tools for states, local governments and public school districts. Brown says the familiar term is taking on increased significance as Michigan’s K-12 population declines.
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White background with Munetrix logo on it.
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August 15, 2019

And then there were none…cities and schools must prepare for silver tsunami of public sector retirements as next gen college students select other careers

Auburn Hills, Mich. –September X, 2019 –A silver tsunami of retirements is anticipated in schools and municipalities over the next several years; yet, as college students head back to college this month, only an estimated 5% are considering a career in the public sector.
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Person inserting paper into a box.
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June 12, 2019

Cheers to a successful millage passage!

Munetrix understands the importance of data in community decision making. Increased demands for transparency make it clear that constituents want confidence that every penny is spent wisely. When current dollars aren’t enough to support operations or a new community initiative, a strong case can be made for additional funding by comparing how similar communities pay for equivalent services.
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White background with Munetrix logo on it.
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May 8, 2019

Don’t believe everything you read. But believe this. Many Municipalities are Starving.

The headline of this March 21, 2019 post, Property Taxes Up $638 Million In 2018, by Michigan Capitol Confidential is eye-catching—and surely stoked the fire of those who believe they pay too much in property taxes—but let’s not let the facts get in the way.
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White background with Munetrix logo on it.
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March 21, 2019

Munetrix contribution to Dark Store Legislation Defense Fund reflects solidarity with the local units of government it serves

Auburn Hills, Mich. – March 21, 2019 –Munetrix, a public sector solutions provider offering data management, analytics and reporting tools for states, local governments and public school districts, showed its support for Escanaba and Michigan’s so-called Dark Store legislation, with a recent donation of $4,100.
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White background with Munetrix logo on it.
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March 20, 2019

Munetrix contribution to Dark Store Legislation Defense Fund reflects solidarity with the local units of government it serves

Auburn Hills, Mich. – March 20, 2019 –Munetrix, a public sector solutions provider offering data management, analytics and reporting tools for states, local governments and public school districts, showed its support for Escanaba and Michigan’s so-called Dark Store legislation, with a recent donation of $4,100.
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White background with Munetrix logo on it.
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March 20, 2019

Can Michigan Teachers Afford to Live in the County Where They Work?

“Can Michigan teachers afford to live in the county where they work?” An interesting question and the answer is yes…and no. First, some background. Following teacher walk-outs in West Virginia, (soon followed by Oklahoma and Arizona) last spring over low teacher salaries, a National Public Radio (NPR) story aired that asked a similar question, identifying Michigan as having the highest paid teacher salaries in the country.
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White background with Munetrix logo on it.
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February 19, 2019

If your local unit of government is planning to make some big purchases in 2019, you might want to read this first.

People in the private sector like to opine that government should operate like a business, but that’s just not practical. The goal of the public sector is to provide the best possible services at the lowest possible cost, with a focus on the health, safety and welfare of the community.
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White background with Munetrix logo on it.
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February 5, 2019

Munetrix again named to GovTech100 index for innovation and effectiveness in government technology

Auburn Hills, Mich. – February 5, 2019– Among a compendium of 100 companies focused on making a difference in state and local governments, Munetrix is pleased to announce its inclusion on the 2019 GovTech100, an annual index by Government Technology magazine that highlights the top 100 companies in the country that serve government in unique, innovative and effective ways. Munetrix, a public sector solutions provider offering data management, analytics and reporting tools for states, local governments and public school districts, has been included on the GovTech100 since its introduction in 2016 and is one of only two Michiganbased companies that made the 2019 list.
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