
Data’s future: cloud(y) but clear

Remember dancing to your favorite 45s,cruising to an 8-track tape or popping a cassette into the stereo? Seemslike a long time ago, doesn’t it? That is because these all represent technologies of the past. Even the once-mighty compact disc appearsheaded for extinction. One recent survey indicated more people are now streamingmusic rather than buying it.

Buzz Brown
Buzz Brown

Remember dancing to your favorite 45s,cruising to an 8-track tape or popping a cassette into the stereo? Seemslike a long time ago, doesn’t it?

That is because these all representtechnologies of the past. Even the once-mighty compact disc appearsheaded for extinction. One recent survey indicated more people are now streamingmusic rather than buying it.

Records, tapes and even CDs are just datastorage systems by other names – they’re just like file folders, zip drives andhard drives. All are yesterday’s news. Each system has its virtues, buteach has the same major limitation – each can only contain a limited amount ofdata and can only be accessed in one particular setting.

Not so with the expanding internet and cloudcomputing.

By definition, “The Cloud” is an Internet-based systemseamlessly integrating applications, platforms and infrastructure. It’salso the largest, most comprehensive data storage and retrieval system everdevised and can be accessed anywhere, home or away. That’s why MunetrixTM isa part of it.

Here’s how it works:

Let’s say you’re a Beatles fan who wants easyaccess to everything the band ever recorded. You could go out and get all 20 orso of their CDs. – and find a place to put them; or you could access theirmusic via the cloud.

Not only can you have access to every Beatlessong ever recorded, but everything else written by John, Paul, George and Ringoas individuals as well. Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga– there are no limitations, and all can be repeatedly listened to withouttaking up a single inch of shelf space.

Now – translate that to Munetrix.

Via the cloud, Munetrix provideseasy-to-understand and instant access to financial data for all Michiganmunicipalities and school districts. Information is available, not just for bigcities or fast growing suburbs, but for everybody – even the tiniest littlecommunities. It can be accessed from home computers, but also on tablets andmobile phones.

Munetrix offers one-click access to everythingfrom audited reports to budgets, water and sewer costs, plus numerous otherdata. In addition, it shows how each municipality and school districtmeasures up against state-generated metrics for other communities on a social“favorites” comparison platform. All are understandable “at a glance.”

All this data is available anytime, anyplaceand without taking up a single bit of storage space on your personal device.

With all those advantages, it is no wonder whythe cloud’s future is bright, and why Munetrix lives in the cloud.

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How to Measure Academic Achievement Gains in Pennsylvania

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Munetrix portal image.

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