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July 29, 2013

Don’t waste your internship

I’m just going to let it all out and say that it is a hard life for a 20-something intern. We are anxious, broke, and usually lacking experience. We are struggling to find a balance between the stereotypical ‘party every weekend’, social network-addicted college life and that of a working professional.
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July 22, 2013

5 things we dislike about government but probably have to live with

A semi-serious take on local government, its shortcomings, and some reasoning behind them. 1) Automatic Call Answering Systems Why we dislike them Automatic Call Answering Systems – The only reason I ever call a government office (or any office, for that matter) is if I can’t find certain information on their website.
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July 17, 2013

Who cares about local government anymore?

Sunday, I watched the Detroit Tigers vs. Texas Rangers baseball game from the stands. Yes, I am still upset about what happened in the 7th inning. Still, attending a summer time ballgame is one of my favorite things to do, even when the mercury flirts with triple digits. I have two unwavering game day traditions:
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July 2, 2013

Economic Development 101

Not everybody has the wherewithal to urbanize their community into a livable and walkable landscape – but there are other things that can be done to promote Economic Development. Making sure that people researching your area is one that offers the best ROI. It costs almost nothing to do – yet is the starting point for someone who may be looking at your community for relocation consideration.
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April 30, 2013

New data shows mixed results for Michigan schools

We’ve recently added the 2012 fiscal data from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to our database. The results are, well… mixed. According to our rating system, the fiscal indicator score, school districts under a condition of fiscal stress doubled from 6% in 2011 to 12% in 2012. In Michigan, 376 districts had a worse score than the prior year, 56 districts had an improved score, and 114 districts remained the same.
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February 28, 2013

A Pleasant Surprise

I took up residence at our table, near the back of the room. Flanked by thirty pounds of bagels and cream cheese on my right, a CRM software company on my left – our famous bowl of “Michigan Mints” firmly planted at the front of the table – I settled in for the long haul.
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February 19, 2013

Don’t mess with Google, they’ll disable your life, er… account

A Tuesday morning meeting can turn into a Tuesday morning nightmare in about three seconds, flat. It started with an innocent mistake – Bob wanted to join a video conference that our Lead Developer, Lami, and I were in. Before he could join, Bob was prompted to activate his Google+ account.
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February 14, 2013

Website Redesign

A website can make or break your company. If your company is a website, the stakes are even higher. Recently we published some minor changes to our site. When I say minor, I don’t mean the workload. Changing even a few pages on a site takes hours upon hours of brainstorming, designing, coding,testing, finger-crossing, and implementing.
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December 5, 2012

Ann Arbor makes the right call on city-run golf courses

“Ann Arbor’s two city-run golf courses have lost a combined $2.25million over the past five years, requiring a sizable subsidy from the city’s general fund. The city’s plan to resolve the deficit is to eliminate the golf course enterprise fund at the end of the 2012-13 fiscal year and transfer golf operations to the general fund starting July 1. That means the golf budget will be included as part of the city’s nearly $80 million general fund budget that pays for core services like police and fire protection.” -Ryan Stanton,
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October 12, 2012

Should governments be run like a business? Four points to consider

Is it realistic to think governments can run like businesses? There are many opinions – some say yes, many say no way! But is there a common ground somewhere in the middle? 1) The Ability to Scale This is perhaps the first thing to debate: how governments and businesses differ in their ability to scale.
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August 9, 2012

Data’s future: cloud(y) but clear

Remember dancing to your favorite 45s,cruising to an 8-track tape or popping a cassette into the stereo? Seemslike a long time ago, doesn’t it? That is because these all represent technologies of the past. Even the once-mighty compact disc appearsheaded for extinction. One recent survey indicated more people are now streamingmusic rather than buying it.
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June 6, 2012

Every number has a meaning with Munetrix

It’s all in the numbers and the simpler they are – the easier they are to understand. That is why Munetrix uses a single digit number as a barometer to gauge the financial health – or stress – of local governments and school districts. We use Michigan’s single digit Fiscal Scoring System, augmented by our color-coded highlights.
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Academic Module

Designed to help you manage and analyze academic data – from student growth to progress monitoring and needs assessments

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Financial Module

Powerful tools for building detailed budgets, simplifying long-term planning, and creating financial transparency in a few simple clicks

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Early Warning Module

Quickly identify potential student risks and implement timely and impactful interventions to help get them back on the path of success

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Our tools transform your raw data into practical insights to give you a holistic view of your school’s well-being and how it stacks up against others in your district and beyond.

Transparency at your fingertips

Whether it's financial figures or school performance metrics, you can foster trust in your community with the power of transparent reporting right in your hands.

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We know your time is valuable. That’s why our team is here to help you set up your data and achieve your goals – every step of the way.

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