The Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process and Reporting for Schools in Michigan (MICIP) is “a pathway for districts to improve student outcomes by assessing whole child needs to develop plans and coordinate funding,” according to the Michigan Department of Education.
The Progress Monitoring app from Munetrix supports school districts in Michigan and other states nationwide in implementing the state-required K-12 Multi-Tiered System of Supports. Munetrix Project Tracker MTSS workflow templates empower district leadership to manage the MDE MTSS requirements and upload key documentation in one online storage space to build institutional knowledge and horizontal succession planning.
Prioritizing continuous improvement planning and reporting for schools in Michigan, the Munetrix Academic Module enables administrators to easily manage and track facilitation of MTSS programing, implementation and communication across the school or district with pre-built templates for MTSS program administration, data meetings, and management of their teams. Learn more about the Academic Module’s solutions for continuous improvement planning and reporting for schools in Michigan by clicking here.
The Academic Module’s Solutions for Continuous Improvement Planning and Reporting for Schools in Michigan
Another feature in the product suite—the Needs Assessment app—supports horizontal succession planning and maintains institutional knowledge in one comprehensive platform. Users can easily set filters to evaluate the district and individual school building data over multiple years to make comparisons and assess changes, allowing administrators to effortlessly identify student achievement gaps and trends across multiple assessments for the district, school and subgroups to identify areas of need to target continuous improvement strategies.
Academic performance analytics solutions for schools in Michigan include software modules for student achievement data, progress monitoring and MTSS, educator evaluations, student needs assessments, student reporting data, student migration and enrollment trends, and much more!
Want to learn more? Contact us to schedule a personal tour of Munetrix’s solutions for continuous improvement planning and reporting for schools in Michigan today!